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November 20, 2003

It Never Rains...

[Ed: This post was supposed to go up last Thursday but was left languishing in the unposted collection.]

This morning the bus stop was crowded. Just what I need on a day that requires me to be on time for a series of meetings with interstate visitors (assuming that you count Canberra as interstate). The main reason for thinking of Canberra like that was my attempt last night to book some accomodation in Canberra for my brothers wedding (weekend after next). I was looking through the NRMA site and to find lodging in Canberra requires you to select NSW; something that is geographically correct but likely to be considered politically incorrect by the incumbents.
Back to the bus stop. Normally there would be no more than ten people but I counted forty. I crossed my fingers that there wasn't a bus strike and wondering if I had enough money for a cab ride. Just as I decided that I should save the money for this afternoon (possible job inteview) a 374 arrived. Should I catch this slower bus or wait in the hope that a faster one will arrive? While I consider the question a 376 arrives (travels the sane route but has free seats on it). It is rare to have two buses at the same time at this stop and the second one extends back to our property line. Then, while people are still trying to get in the doors a 373, a 372, and another bus arrived. This last bus was sort of stuck on the next corner. What is that old saw? It never rains but it pours.

Posted by Ozguru at November 20, 2003 12:11 PM


This is obviously a part of the Ephebean Philosphers Axiom Testing Range. I trust no tortoises were hurt in the process of testing the axiom; "You wait for hours for a bus, then they all arrive at once!"

Posted by: pgc at November 20, 2003 12:11 PM

mmm... maybe that 372 was the one i should not have been on... if you get all buses (372,3,4 & 6) at your stop, i must be a few stops before you - no 374's - but at least i can get the express... interesting to think there could be a fellow blogger on the same bus...

Posted by: susan at November 20, 2003 12:11 PM

Well the 374 joins the others after Alison Road and the Express turns off at the same point so that would mean you get on at Belmore Road (two stops to choose from). I used to get the bus from the stop near the corner of Arthur Street because I used to live on (or near) Arthur Street. Now I live on Cowper Street (as per the GeoURL - if you can find it ... ).

Posted by: ozguru at November 20, 2003 12:11 PM