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November 13, 2003


If you want to make use of the GeoURL features (see the GeoURL logo on the right), then you need to be able to find your latitude and longitude. Now you may be one of those people who either has it tattooed on a body extremity or someone with a GPS, for the rest of us - the options are a little more limited. I did a Google search and found two google pages full of dead links and expensive software then I found someone with a blog entry on just the right topic.

Boy am I glad that Google indexes blog pages ....

BTW, Check out this post looks like another Gender Genie fan.

Posted by Ozguru at November 13, 2003 11:11 PM


Blog Roundup Of course I can't really surprise you this week because if you had been paying attention, I actually published the list of sites on Friday afternoon (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) just after the Friday 5. If anyone else wants to

Posted by: GDay Mate - Reviews at November 13, 2003 11:11 PM