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November 14, 2003

MT Plugin: Entry

The Entry plugin allows the selection of a single entry. This can then be combined with Countdown to give you the blog lifetime (see over on the right). The later plugin can also be used to make a traditional "count down" counter.

To make these plugins (and others like the random photo) work, you need to rebuild your system regularly. Once again this can be achieved with a little plugin work and some fiddling in cron (the Unix job schedular). This blog rebuilds itself on the hour (every hour). The downside to rebuilding is that you have to remember not to save half edited configuration files around the turn of the clock - otherwise the auto-rebuild will be stuffed - this is not just practical advice, I am speaking from experience :-(

BTW - Word to the experimenter - be careful of tag names. The plugins site may list the tag as being CountupIfSeconds but it is more likely to be MTCountupIfSeconds.

Posted by Ozguru at November 14, 2003 12:11 AM
