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November 12, 2003

MT Plugin: AWStatReferers

I installed the AWStatReferers module and it just plain didn't work. It has been sitting over there on the right for a week with nothing in it. Now I glanced at the doco (whaddya mean "read" - I'm a techo; I just fiddle 'til it works) and set up the cron job but nada, zip, zilch and zero results.

Can't have that you know. What is the point of trying to write about a plugin that doesn't work? Well I decided to open up the file in vi again and have another look. Just randomly happened to notice a search pattern for awstats*$domain.txt that looked very suspicious. I know that my awstats file does not have my domain name in it (because I abbreviated it). Ahhhhhh. When the instructions said something about inserting a domain name they didn't really mean "domain name" they meant whatever the heck awstats was using as it's domain tag.

Easy fixed. Now it works like a charm. Now who the heck is tales from the woods? A blog that has listed me and I knew nothing about .... Excuse me while I go do some reading.

Posted by Ozguru at November 12, 2003 08:11 PM


MovableType Just because I have a TypePad blog does not mean I have given up on MovableType. In fact the archive site for this blog is running on MovableType 2.64 with the absolutely amazing plugin manager. Anyway as a result I have been playing with plugins so if...

Posted by: GDay Mate at November 12, 2003 08:11 PM