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November 12, 2003

The secret of success

I have just discovered why I haven't achieved great things in life. According to this site:

People with long beards who speak good english, wear khadi and generally look intellectual can get away with anything.

I can't even match one on this scale, my beard is short, I speak Australian (not English), I have no idea what khadi is (I looked it up in google an that didn't help) and I am afraid I look more stunned than intellectual. Oh well, maybe I could convince my wife to let me grow my beard longer ....

On the other hand the gent in question wasn't all that nice and maybe I'd rather be the victim in this case....

Posted by Ozguru at November 12, 2003 10:11 PM


Khadi - handspun cotton cloth popularised by Gandhi. Nowadays, left-wing types who proclaim themselves to be culture-vultures - i.e they hang out in Art Galleries, produce documentaries, write books, direct plays that no one understands and wear a condescending look that proclaims them to be the do-gooders while the other capitalist pigs who are caught up in the rat race don' give a damn about "the poor deprived classes" - wear these garments. :-)

Posted by: Quizman at November 12, 2003 10:11 PM

Thanks for that. I take it the name refers to the material (like denim) rather than to the style of clothing (jeans)? I did an image search on Google and got spinning wheels and loin clothes and shirts and .... you have cleared up one of life's little mysteries. Now if only I could solve the big ones (like why do I pay so much tax ....)

Posted by: ozguru at November 12, 2003 10:11 PM

I'm guessing the dress might be causing some of the doors to close on you. ;-) p.s. my wife rolls hers eyes everytime I talk about buying a kilt

Posted by: Matthew at November 12, 2003 10:11 PM

I hope you don't let eye-rolling stop you. It really is comfortable and if you are "Scottish built" (polite for saying you have a large rear) then it looks better than trousers.

Posted by: ozguru at November 12, 2003 10:11 PM