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November 20, 2003

Prize Post

This is a prize post. One of my regular (and highly valued) readers responded to a "Mid-week Mystery" and was given my standard prize: Write and article, or ask a question - I'll answer it. After you finish reading it (or maybe before you start), pay him a visit and check out his blog: Aussie Courier. Remember, you too can ask a question and then I have to answer it (one way or another).

Question: If you could relive any part of your life, would you?, and which part?

Answer: Do you want the serious answer or the flippant one? On the serious front, I think I would go back to when I finished my first degree. I had started my honours program but things were very tight financially. I could not support myself for another year (even with parental aid) and I needed to work. I figured (half way through my honours) that I could work full-time and study part-time. In hindsight I would say that is only true for certain courses and a computer science honours program (or a PhD for that matter) are not viable candidates. In addition, a fellow who was my future boss was pushing me to transfer to an information systems degree (because it was more useful in the real world than a computer science degree). I let myself be swayed and switched to an masters in commerce (information systems) and I have always regretted not finishing that honours program. So if I could do it over, I would have begged or borrowed enough to finish that honours course before starting work.

Flippant answer: I think that my late lunch today could be redone - something less greasy because boy am I feeling queasy right now. In fact, in retrospect, I should have skipped lunch so that I don't look too big in the wedding photos on Saturday.

Posted by Ozguru at November 20, 2003 08:11 AM
