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November 17, 2003

Archive Update

As you are probably aware, there is currently a problem with SPAM being promoted into blogs (I have now removed about 40 SPAM messages). This is not a nice thing but I like to keep the feedback with my readers. To try and reduce the problem I am archiving older posts which will have additional comments disabled. This should solve most of the current issues because the SPAM is appearing in older posts first.

What does this mean for you the reader?

Not much unless you are browsing through the older posts or trying to search for something. Posts prior to April 1, have now all been migrated to the Archive / Test blog and they will still be google searchable. Articles between April and now are here. Over the next few weeks, I expect to migrate all but the most current three months to the archive. If I still have a SPAM problem after that, I will need to look at additional solutions.

Please note that currently google is returning some search results which will fail (due to the rebuild of my server). The best bet there is to try the local search tool on the main page. In many cases the file extensions will have changed, most images will now be PNG files and most of the PHP pages will now be plain HTML.

If you are trying to find something or I have confused the matter further, chuck me an email and I will see what I can do.

Posted by Ozguru at November 17, 2003 10:11 PM


Having been down the spam/comments road more than enough times, one suggestion made to me was to disable the HTML in comments function. You may want to give that a whirl to see if it helps.

Posted by: Cindy at November 17, 2003 10:11 PM

I haven't had any problems with SPAM.. am i just the lucky one out or what?!

Posted by: TL at November 17, 2003 10:11 PM