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December 22, 2003

Visitor 5K

The 5Kth visitor (since the new counter was set up) was also from Canada (just like the 4Kth visitor). This time the search was for the phrase "courier jokes" which looks like a reference to Aussie Courier (not that he is a joke but he is a courier and he tells jokes).

It will be painful to reset the counter and start this all over again ....

Posted by Ozguru at December 22, 2003 11:12 PM


So why do you keep on restting the counter then, Ozguru?

Posted by: Paul Jané at December 22, 2003 11:12 PM

Don't reset! You're going to get weird searches no matter what you do. TRUST ME!

Posted by: Da Goddess at December 22, 2003 11:12 PM

I was planning to reset the counter on the 1st of January because the 18th of November has no significance other than I threw away the old counter (which stopped working) and started a new one. I figured it would be nice to have a new counter for a new year and I don't expect it to reach 6K before the new year.

Posted by: ozguru at December 22, 2003 11:12 PM