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December 28, 2003

Quiz of the Week(end)

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
You are 'Hark! The Herald Angels Sing'. You take
Christmas very seriously. For you, it is a
religious festival, celebrating the birth of
the Saviour, and its current secularisation
really irritates you. You enjoy the period of
Advent leading up to Christmas, and attend any
local carol services you can find, as well as
the more contemplative Advent church services
each Sunday. You may be involved in Christmas
food collections or similar charity work. The
midnight service at your church, with candles
and carols, is one you look forward to all
year, and you also look forward to the family
get together on Christmas Day.

What Christmas Carol are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by Ozguru at December 28, 2003 09:12 AM


"You are 'Christmas Time is Here, by Golly!', by Tom Lehrer. Hmm, you really don't like Christmas, do you? From the moment they start playing carols in the shops in October to the appearance of the first Easter Eggs in the shops on New Years Eve, the rampant hypocrisy of the Christmas spirit sets your teeth on edge. You know just how many family fights start over Christmas dinner, how many people are injured in the Boxing Day sales, and how few people actually find Christmas even remotely merry. You liked Scrooge far better before those ghosts got to him, and you are only doing this quiz because you are bored at work and anything is better than listening to everyone else discuss their Christmas shopping. Still, it is two days off work, which does count for something... Enjoy the break." Too true. It's one of my two favorite Christmas songs (the other is ELP's 'Father Christmas). I do; however, try not to 'bah humbug' at others.

Posted by: Kathy K at December 28, 2003 09:12 AM

I'm "Christmas at Ground Zero" by Weird Al Yankovic, and I don't even have to take a quiz.

Posted by: Norbizness at December 28, 2003 09:12 AM

I am jingle bells, check into my site to see what it says about me it is pretty acurate. :-) hehe

Posted by: TL at December 28, 2003 09:12 AM