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December 27, 2003

Aussie Christmas

A very long time ago (at least in blog terms) a punter asked a question on one of the posts. The question was, "What do Australians eat for Christmas?"

I could, of course, be indirect and just answer the question but I thought I could be more professional and actually survey some relies (strine = relatives) about what they had for Christmas lunch.

First respondent:

Breakfast: champagne or wine with BBQ bacon / eggs / snags (strine = sausages).

Lunch: Roast pork (cold) Roast turkey (cold) Leg Ham carved off the bone (cold), Roast potatoes, pumpkin, onions, gravy & spring rolls, wine & beer, punch desert- macadamia nut pudding log (warm) sliced with ice-cream

Dinner: fruit platter (too full after lunch).

Second respondent:

Lunch: Cold meat (ham/turkey/pork) and salads.

What about us:

Breakfast: Cereal with milk (soy for me due to lactose intolerance)

Lunch: Cold meat (ham off the bone, turkey), mango, tomato (from our garden), lettuce ... followed by Gelato (for me) or icecream.

Dinner: Repeat Lunch

Hope that has cleared up any misunderstandings. There is no way we could have had a baked dinner in the heat. A friend in the UK said "but CNN listed the temperature as 20 degree Celsius (= 68 degree Fahrenheit)". That was true but that was the overnight temperature. The day varied across Sydney from 38 to 42 (100 to 108). A baked dinner in that climate would be suicide (at least for those who had to prepare it).

By the way, that's why we drink our beer cold - ice cold. Not lukewarm like the poms.

Posted by Ozguru at December 27, 2003 09:12 PM


One of my brothers-in-law was sitting next to me when I wrote that article. He cannot believe that anyone could drink warm beer. He wants to know if the English also drink warm lemonade or warm coke (cola). He also mentioned what warm beer is a euphemism for in Chinese. And no, I'm not going to tell you, ask someone from Hong Kong.... If that doesn't work, I'll post a joke in a couple of days that explains it all.

Posted by: ozguru at December 27, 2003 09:12 PM

When I went to England about twenty years ago everywhere I asked for a soda (Coke or Pepsi or whatever) they would reach behind them and get it from the shelf. If I asked for ice I got funny looks, and then a cup with four teensy cubes. I know they had refrigerators; that's where they kept the lager.

Posted by: Andrea Harris at December 27, 2003 09:12 PM

you get ice now when you get a soda in england/scotland. As for the beer it's served at about cellar temperature which is about 53F. Now considering that is warmer then outside in most of England/Scotland it does feel warm. But if you are out in the desert 53F feel just right to gulp down.

Posted by: Skipjack at December 27, 2003 09:12 PM

That's a good point about the ambient temperature - I will have to take a thermometer to the pub next time and test the temperature of the beer. I wonder if I could get a research grant if I investigated multiple kinds of beer at multiple pubs. That would really be free beer....

Posted by: ozguru at December 27, 2003 09:12 PM

Blog Roundup Hands up all those who figured there would be no roundup this week? Just as I thought - most of you. OK, you can put your hands down again. Not only is there a post but I got it up

Posted by: GDay Mate - Reviews at December 27, 2003 09:12 PM