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January 04, 2004

Blog Roundup

Well there is a review this week - I spent some of my precious four day weekend thinking of you poor readers out there ... and preparing this article. Not that all the subjects were as co-operative. In fact two of them are AWOL - Technically Speaking is currently in South America and Kingsley has gone to visit the "land of the great satan" (and that is a quote from the blog not a personal opinion). So that is pretty cool - I only need to do three more to make five - right? Yeah I am too soft-hearted, I chucked in a couple of extras to make five real reviews....

First off, please wish http://dagoddess.com lots of luck with her lotto (?) entry. If she wins, I think she is planning to come down under (and also to visit Africa). If you end up in Sydney, let me know and I'll shout you a coffee (or alternate beverage of your choice).... Now being a goddess is apparently not without the same issues that face us mere mortals. In fact you still get to deal with lousy ISPs. The significant difference is that when you complain, someone listens (and they call you goddess as well!). If I got $25 bucks for every time I complained to my former ISP then I would be rolling in money and could afford WWDC 2004. Then I would have to make time to go to this museum in San Diego. Can't be too far from San Francisco because it has a 'San' in it's name :-) [Reminds me of the tourists in Sydney who figure they'll pop out to see Ayres Rock tomorrow because they have a free day - 2,850 kms / 1800 miles or in US terms about New York to Denver.]

Now Firebrand's Desiderata is currently running a quiz on how well her readers know her. Well I did the quiz but being a new reader I obviously have absolutely no idea what I am doing. I scored a whole 10 (i.e. one question out of 10) by random guessing. If you want to know what I guessed (so you can choose something different), let me know because the real results won't be out until the quiz is over. Brenda also seems to have had a miserable New Year's eve with a stomach flu but she claims it was worth it? There is also a 21 question review that maybe I should have read BEFORE I did the quiz. Well now I am going to find out how incompatible I am ....

It is very lucky that GRRR be afraid came up on the list (at position 5 - just scraping in) because TL has been trying to work out how to ensure she gets another review. Well congratulations TL, all those comments must have helped :-). The first review of GRRR be afraid was way back on November and TL noted in the comments:

I am female and attend Texas Christian Univestity(TCU) - for a degree in Education for Math and Science.

(The female part was in response to the GenderGenie thinking TL was male). Funny thing was I started out to do a science degree (maths and geography) to become a teacher too. It's just that on the way I got distracted by computers..... In recent news, TL has replaced her counter (which looks like sitemeter to me) and added a mood thing. I thought about doing the same but then figured I could save a lot of fiddling around by just telling you that it alternates between grumpy and depressed and then I wouldn't have to code it. I sort of wondered if I should make one of those animated gif things that just display the two faces.... Back to GRRR, make sure you check out the 'Do not touch this' button and take time to admire the unique colour and design. There are only a few articles on the main page (so it loads quickly) but you need to read regularly because I can't seem to get into the archives at all. Are there any free alternatives to blogspot that I can suggest to TL?

Cynical Cyn is the first bonus site for this week. The best way I can endorse this site is to point out that the CSS is screwed up badly in my default browser and I have to open a different one (Camino instead of Safari) to go read it. How is that an endorsement? Well normally when I can't view a site (usually because it is IE specific), I just scrap it and forget it. In this case I religiously go and find another browser just so I can read the site - it is worth the extra effort. She has some comments on a 'Religion vs Faith' topic (started by The Gray Monk in this post and also see this followup). There is always a good supply of humour, like the old but healthy couple and the bear hunter. I also liked the post about taters. Sometimes, the stories are just so good, I have to "borrow" them. (Out of interest, is there anyone out there using pmachine that could help Cyn with her trackbacks?)

The second bonus review is Reflections in d minor which is one of the very first blogs that I found through my referrer list. It is both interesting (and sad) to see that there is no longer a blogroll on the front page - one of the random contibutors to my fall from grace. On a more positive note I like the definition of a senior moment - I have always wondered what to call that symptom. There is also an interesting post on child raising which reminds me about this post that I keep meaning to comment about. Finally to round off this entry there is a lovely quote in this post:

Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who really do!

P.S. In case you check the extended article and wonder how that philosophy site managed to get into the list, it was due to this post which contained links to the various theories on the site hosting the quiz.

To try and spread the link-love around a little, I decided some time ago that I would not normally review the same blog two weeks in a row. That means that the sites that appeared last week will be skipped if they occur in the random list. In case you are keeping track of this, the reviews last week were for: Dusting My Brain, Ramblings of SilverBlue, Jivha - the Tongue, http://kirsty.typepad.com/boblog and Interested Participant.

Site Checklist
G'Day Mate - Archive
G'Day Mate
G'Day Mate - Reviews
Note: There are 707 links to consider.

TOP 10 Sites
Dusting My Brain (34)
Jivha - the Tongue (32)
Interested Participant (26)
Kingsley (26)
Technically Speaking (24)
When I Paint My Masterpiece (23)
GRRR be afraid (22)
All AgitProp (20)
http://www.SelectSmart.com/PHILOSOPHY (19)
Tiger: Raggin; & Rantin' (18)

Random 10 Sites
http://dagoddess.com (8)
Technically Speaking (24)
Kingsley (26)
http://firebrnd.thoughtlocker.net (4)
GRRR be afraid (22)
GRRR be afraid (22)
http://www.CynicalCyn.com (3)
Reflections in d minor (4)
http://www.amcgltd.com (3)
http://www.whackingday.com (2)

Posted by Ozguru at January 4, 2004 12:00 PM


I'm back, and fully rejuvenated. I think I will be very busy for the next few weeks but I'm going to try to catch up with all that I have missed.

Posted by: Tony S. at January 5, 2004 03:54 PM

What??? Uluru isn't sitting just outside Sydney? Perish the thought! I'm cancelling my trip. Heh. I love that people can't look at a map and figure some of these things out. OG, any time you're in the area, stop by and I'll take you museum hopping. Lots of neat stuff to see and do in San Diego.

Posted by: Da Goddess at January 6, 2004 01:30 AM

The fall from grace comment no longer makes sense because I managed to get back to being a rodent. Sometime last week (about Wednesday) I fell back to being a flappy bird for a while......

Posted by: Ozguru (Archive) at January 6, 2004 08:07 AM

Da Goddess: I should have mentioned that I did look at a map and as far as I can tell San Diego (must be in California because of UCSD) is about 500 miles from San Francisco which is not quite as far as Sydney to Melbourne (500 miles = 800 km, Sydney -> Melbourne is 900 km). Assuming the roads are better quality than here it would still take the best part of a day to get there. Hmmm. What about speed limits? Most of the highway to Melbourne is strictly enforced - 110 kmh (68 mph).

Posted by: ozguru at January 6, 2004 11:17 AM

As always, thank you so much!! It's nice to know that you actually will go through all that just to see what Iam up to. I am posting your plea on my blog in the morning and perhaps someone will help me out cause as you so obviously know, I have no idea!! Happy New Year!!

Posted by: Cyn at January 6, 2004 01:39 PM