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January 09, 2004

Friday 5


As usual, I have stuffed up the Friday 5 sequence again. I thought there was a break last week but just found that there was a post. Probably the break is this week. Anyway, here it is, still before the use-by date.

What one thing are you most looking forward to . . .

1. ...today?
Today is POETS day (P*ss off early, tomorrow's Saturday) and I have arranged to leave at 2PM. My better half is going to pick me up with the kids and we are going to see the Three Little Pigs who have apparently started squatting in the Lewers Gallery (near Penrith) with my Mum and one of my brothers (and his family). I believe the Gallery has called in the property manager from the real estate office to move the squatters out - a Mr BB Wolf.

2. ...over the next week?
Really, this weekend at Mums is probably the going to be the highlight of the week. Inverting that you know that work is going to be a pain. We are trying to roll out a new version of cfengine and neither the brilliant young graduate (who is doing the work) or myself (who is supposed to convert the cfengine v1 rules) has got our heads around the changes yet.

3. ...this year?
WWDC in June/July and Hong Kong in August. I love to travel - even if I can't always afford to do so.

4. ...over the next five years?
Once upon a time I had plans that far ahead but right now the event horizon barely stretches to August. Within five (or six) years I would like to see NZ again and maybe visit Canada.

5. ...for the rest of your life?
Retirement. Bring it on. I have so many things I want to do that I don't have time for.

Posted by Ozguru at January 9, 2004 07:01 AM


Friday 5 If decided to start doing the Friday Five that I enjoy reading on OzGuru. There is none for this week, but I thought I'd do the last one from last year. 1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year? I...

Posted by: Peskie at January 9, 2004 07:01 AM

Friday 5 If decided to start doing the Friday Five that I enjoy reading on OzGuru. There is none for this week, but I thought I'd do the last one from last year. Friday Fives are a series of five questions for...

Posted by: Peskie at January 9, 2004 07:01 AM