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December 28, 2003

Blog Roundup

Hands up all those who figured there would be no roundup this week? Just as I thought - most of you. OK, you can put your hands down again. Not only is there a post but I got it up on Sunday.... This week (as in future weeks) we will concentrate on 5 blogs. A blog that has been listed in the previous week will not be eligible this week (but will be eligible next week). To keep things honest, the Top10 list (see extended article) will list 10 random blogs to allow for replacement when an entry is disqualified. If you would like to see some other blog listed, leave a comment with the url of the blog which will guarantee a chance at selection in the next round.... If there are a lot of suggestions, I may do a midweek roundup as well. While you are at it, suggestions for modifying or improving the rules are also welcome.

Eliminated blogs for this week are: The Cheese Stands Alone, When I Paint My Masterpiece, Tiger: Raggin; & Rantin', PD: You ... relax and Utterly Boring.

First we have Dusting My Brain who seems to have had a kitchen almost as hot as mine but for a different reason. She has also spotted the magical attraction of little children. (Just so you know squipper, they are not like that all the time). There are also not one, not two but three links to the pre-Christmas marathon. There were (as best as I can make out) between 500 and 700 visitors on Christmas eve - a real spike in the visitor count and a lot of them got to read the final (and most important) post. On the sad-news front, it looks like the TiBook has not fully recovered. If I was closer I could help with diagnostics but given the distance, I'll keep my fingers crossed (well metaphorically anyway - might be hard to type with crossed fingers....)

Second we have Ramblings of SilverBlue (note that I have fixed up the URL as the one detected by Top10 does not point to the blog). Now there is something wrong with either the site or my net connection because I can't seem to get to any of the pages other than the main one (e.g. 'About') because my browser insists that the site is unreachable (which also means the backtrack pings won't work). I am not going to risk reloading the front page either in case it goes away. Any-rate, there is a cool map thingo (technical Australian term - see also dodad, whatsit, thingumy, whatchamacallit) on the right and some nice Christmas cartoons. I also liked the extensive Christmas location report - it is almost like the sort of thing you chat about with your relatives on the phone - a newsy "family" report. The best picture on the blog has to this one. We used to have "Arial Speed Patrols" but the vandals used to change the signs to read "Pigs in Space" (muppet joke - combined with Aussie slang where cops are called pigs not bears). But what I really want to know - what is wrong with haggis?

Off the track I followed a link from SilverBlue and found this post with a beautiful summary of LOTR in only two words: Walking Trees.

Third cab off the rank is Jivha - the Tongue who opens with a serve at hypocritical standards when it comes to job searching. Personally I think he is right. If we expect a company or organisation to honour an offer then we should honour an acceptance. Speaking of honours, apparently Jivha won an Indian blog award: “IndiBlog of the year 2003�. Congratulations. Given the growing number of high quality Indian blogs, it is a real honour to have been selected let alone to have won. I also think that I forgot to link to the caption contest post last time.

Next we have to eliminate Dusting My Brain (see above) and move onto http://kirsty.typepad.com/boblog. In case you were wondering, Bob (as in Bob-log) actually has his real picture online. Lots of bloggers prefer to remain more anonymous. In fact Bob also has some of his family history online as well. Actually I am not sure how Bob is going to wear his Christmas present - can you get cat size t-shirts? Apparently Bob is also teaching children to spell. Actually before you all make rude comments - I did work out that the teaching and t-shirt actually involve Kirsty not Bob.

Finally we have to skip When I Paint My Masterpiece (see above) and opt for Interested Participant. I went to check out the site and got nothing except the advert at the top. Absolutely no content. Nada. Just as well I checked back later. There is an interesting observation about education in China. I already know of some foreigners teaching in China so the news comes as no surprise. I believe at least some schools are even introducing the IB (International Baccalaureate). There is another entry on the topic of "ignoble" reporting which includes those media organisations that have some degree of bias in what they report. Bit silly really, we all have a bias - what we need to demand is balance - not all one view or the other but some of both.

Seeya next week.

[Update: SilverBlue appears to be back on the air - so I have now sent those trackbacks...]

Site Checklist
G'Day Mate - Archive
G'Day Mate
G'Day Mate - Reviews
Note: There are 617 links to consider.

TOP 10 Sites
Jivha - the Tongue (32)
Kingsley (25)
Technically Speaking (23)
Interested Participant (23)
All AgitProp (23)
Dusting My Brain (22)
When I Paint My Masterpiece (19)
Tiger: Raggin; & Rantin' (16)
Utterly Boring (15)
PD: You ... relax (12)

Random 10 Sites
Dusting My Brain (22)
http://www.silverblue.org (1)
Jivha - the Tongue (32)
Dusting My Brain (22)
http://kirsty.typepad.com/boblog (2)
When I Paint My Masterpiece (19)
Interested Participant (23)
A Jaunty Little Blog (10)
Reflections in d minor (8)
http://www.dillernet.com/apple (1)

Posted by Ozguru at December 28, 2003 09:12 PM


Blimey! Almost famous now!

Posted by: Kirsty at December 28, 2003 09:12 PM

I want to know what my number was... i want to be in teh top ten i am going to pout! hehe i just want to be up there! and these people got eliminated becasue their sites were bogus is that correct?

Posted by: TL at December 28, 2003 09:12 PM

Well TL, just for you I ran the top10 now (7:42 PM Monday) and you are in the top10 with 13 links. The blogs eliminated were either covered last week (like Tiger) or were duplicates in the random list (like Dusting My Brain). Remember there may be a number of blogs with 13 links - the ordering of blogs at the same link count is entirely random (even in the Top 10 list). I guess your comment probably lifted your score from 12 to 13 and that would mean you had 12 chances out of 617 links to be selected in the random list. (Actually that random selection happens 10 times - with replacement - you need a statistician to tell you what the odds really are and then let me know what the formula is and I will publish it. My statistics is 20 years behind me and I have no idea any longer.....if I ever did.....) TOP 10 Sites ============ Jivha - the Tongue (31) Dusting My Brain (29) Kingsley (25) Interested Participant (25) Technically Speaking (23) When I Paint My Masterpiece (21) All AgitProp (19) Tiger: Raggin; & Rantin' (17) PD: You ... relax (13) GRRR be afraid (13)

Posted by: ozguru at December 28, 2003 09:12 PM

I was actually saddened to know that my number was so low, i really thought i was a much more involved reader. I will strive to try harder :-) keep on swimming keep on swimming...an excerpt from Finding Nemo a wonderful movie that i highly recommend...it does have australia in it :-D

Posted by: TL at December 28, 2003 09:12 PM

I am also wondering if these blogs are elimintaed what does that mean? do they get taken off of the blog roll or where they eliminated from this round of reviews?

Posted by: TL at December 28, 2003 09:12 PM

Wow! Wonders from Down Under! GDay Mate - Reviews: Blog Roundup I'm --- almost --- famous!...

Posted by: Ramblings of SilverBlue at December 28, 2003 09:12 PM

Rocketing Around the Blogosphere A quickie for y'all on the last day of the year. Over at Classical Values, Eric posts an interesting bit about the big neighborhood bombing last month in Saudi Arabia. I really like his analysis on various issues, so if...

Posted by: Rocket Jones at December 28, 2003 09:12 PM