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December 31, 2003

Reader SPAM

Just before Christmas I was considering sending all my regular (identifiable) readers a Christmas card (the one that eventually appeared on the blog anyway). I was all set to go when I stopped and thought about it. How would be readers react? Would it (effectively) be consider SPAM? It is certainly unsolicited. It isn't really commercial (although the motive could be seen as encouraging readers to return). I thought some more. And more. Eventually I decided it would be better to post the card on the blog and make it clear that is was for all the readers rather than emailing it. Giving how I feel about unsolicited mail, there may be others out there who would be upset about it. Note that being PC did not enter into it. I am happy to wish Happy Hogmanay even to a Sassenach (who would not understand it). I am equally happy to receive Merry Hogswatchnight cards (or the equivalent). I figure the more happiness and friendship spread around the better and trying to be "PC" will not help.

Having made my decision, I was going to let the matter rest but two things occurred. First, I did not receive any email-cards from other bloggers (I did get some comments and a couple of personal emails) which sort of vindicated my decision. The second thing was that I received a email last night from a blog about a current posting. The blog concerned is not on my blogroll. It is not one that I read regularly. In fact I don't recall having visited it or leaving a comment there (I certainly can't see any links in the archives). The email was sent to the admin address associated with my MT blogs which is not an address I normally leave in comments. Hmmmm. Is it SPAM?

The topic was interesting but I would much rather have found out about it in the normal way as opposed to receiving a direct email. Hence I won't provide a link but you can probably find the topic "blogosphere vs journalists" and the blog "jesiccaswell" in google.

BTW If you would like to receive a Christmas card (emailed) next year - let me know :-) I can probably do birthday's too if that would make your day more enjoyable....

Posted by Ozguru at December 31, 2003 09:12 AM


I don't mind getting e-cards or e-mail from bloggers I know. Whether they say Christmas, Hannukah, Solstice, New Years, Ramadan, Songkran... or whatever. I never mind someone sending me a bit of cheer (even when I'm in a 'bah humbug' mood). I did link the Jessica's Well request for comments but it was forwarded to me by someone else who got it and thought I might be interested (I was). My policy on 'unsolicited links' is that I'll usually go read them. If I find them interesting, I link. If I yawn I don't link. Most people who send me their links do try to send things they think will interest or amuse me. 'Spammy' sorts who send me irrelevant (to me) links too often eventually get on my e-mail 'direct to the bit bucket' list. It all ends up working out somehow.

Posted by: Kathy K at December 31, 2003 09:12 AM

I think cards in email are wonderful and if i would have thought of it i would have done it myself... :-) I guess it's never too late ;-) hehe

Posted by: TL at December 31, 2003 09:12 AM

WHOOHOOO, i thought i might have missed new years as far as your time goes because it is about 7 pm on tuesday here, but it is around noon oneish in the afternoon on wed. there so i didn't miss it yea!!! the times gap is hard to figure hehe have a wonderful new years celebration.

Posted by: TL at December 31, 2003 09:12 AM

I strolled off the electronic path and sent a few bloggers I know snail mail holiday cards. I liked the idea of a handwritten card - we all can use that electronic break here and there. Of course doing this requires snail mail addresses-and luckily for me I had them (so if you want a snail mail card from me for your next BD, holiday, etc. email me.) Electronic cards are great too -- On a separate topic, Happy New Year Ozguru and family!!!

Posted by: Cindy at December 31, 2003 09:12 AM