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December 30, 2003

Mid-week Mystery

This mid-week mystery was supposed to have been posted last Wednesday but I got distracted by all the jokes so I figured it was still relevant to use this week. Now I have to warn you that a knowledge of current affairs (actually politics) in Sydney would be really helpful and I may post a comment (or extended artucle) clue if there are no early jumps at the answer.

Oh yeah, I forgot the question....

Why does this picture suggest that Christmas is upon us?

Clue #1: This PDF document may have some relevance. Note this is a direct link so clicking on it will probably attempt to download a complete PDF document of about 100Kb.

Clue #2: The photo was taken about a block away from this site near the corner of Pitt and Bathurst streets.

Clue #3: The relevant section in the PDF (which contains the minutes of a standing committee meeting into the budgets of the major utilities) starts at the bottom of Page 2 where Mr Pearce was walking in Bathurst Street.

Posted by Ozguru at December 30, 2003 09:12 AM


Click on the picture for more details and check the extended article for some hints if you need them.

Posted by: ozguru at December 30, 2003 09:12 AM

Not even a wild guess or speculation? If you check out the PDF document (in the extended article) you would have discovered some criticism of these building works. The building works were suspended but as soon as parliament stopped sitting (for Christmas) the building works started again. Hence the renewed activity (and hoarding) was a reflection of the fact that parliament had stopped which meant it was nearly Christmas. Wonder if the work will be finished before parliament resumes..... I'll try and make next week a bit easier.

Posted by: ozguru at December 30, 2003 09:12 AM