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December 29, 2003

Yet Another Quiz

All the regular readers would know that I usually do a quiz on Sundays (posted in advance because I rarely do any blogging on Sunday). These come from chance encounters on the web or the occasional search but following a link from Reflections in D Minor I seem to have found the mother-load of interesting quizzes at Still Life withWoodpecker: The Later Years. Examples include:

firing squad
You shall be taken from this place and put to death
by firing squad. Though your crimes against us
warrant death, you're not nearly important
enough to warrant anything spectacular or
public. In other words, yer a pawn, bub, and
you still won't matter even if you wipe your
arse with that damn blindfold.

How will you be executed come the revolution?
brought to you by Quizilla

There is also a grammar one but I didn't do too well on it:

Are You Grammatically Incorrect?
Nice work!
Do you diagram sentences in your spare time? You got 8/10 correct.

I wouldn't know how to diagram a sentence to save my life. I answered based on common usage and I intend to ask my mother (Humanities Teacher) about one of the ones I got wrong because I suspect the ruling is different for Australia. Never mind.... Check out the site and some of the quizzes.

Posted by Ozguru at December 29, 2003 09:12 PM


Yes, MB DOES diagram sentences in her spare time; actually, she does it automatically when reading, since she spends part of her day each day editing for others [which includes all that fun stuff].

Posted by: MommaBear at December 29, 2003 09:12 PM

MB should clarify her previous answer: she got 10/10.

Posted by: MommaBear at December 29, 2003 09:12 PM

I have to ask what "diagramming" a sentence involves. I drive my wife round the twist when it comes to grammar and spelling - she learnt English as a foreign language and has all these rules down pat whereas I learnt English (actually Australian) by the "seat of the pants" method. Hence I can usually work out what is correct but I can't tell her WHY it is correct. Maybe I need to learn about this diagramming business.... Congrats on the 10/10

Posted by: ozguru at December 29, 2003 09:12 PM