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December 30, 2003

What is a Flappy Bird (revisited)

I have been a Flappy Bird for yonks and yonks (i.e. a long time) and my better half was reading over my shoulder when she said: "What's the rat got to do with it?".

Thanks to all those kind people out there who shoved me up into the Adorable Little Rodent category.

BTW, Busy Mom got promoted as well so maybe it was a side effect of the weblog awards.

Posted by Ozguru at December 30, 2003 06:12 AM


I still don't get how that works. It lists the URLs of those who link to you -- but is that just those who link to you in current posts, or is it supposed to be ALL links to a blog? I'm confused.

Posted by: Cindy at December 30, 2003 06:12 AM

AFAIK it is the count of links to your blog that exist on the front page of someone elses blog. The blogs are scanned periodically at that point in time it analyses all the links on the main page. If this page was scanned right now, there would be 44Kb of data. That would include: - The link in 'Posted by: Cindy' on this article. - The link in 'Posted by: Cindy' on Friday 5 (Doesn't count - not unique) - The link in the sponsors article to your post 175 - The link in the sponsors article to your post 176 - The link in the sponsors article to your post 178 - Three links in 'Posted by: Cindy' in the index article (Doesn't count - not unique) - Trackback on the 'Nightmare Before Christmas' to post 178 (Doesn't count - not unique) - The blogroll index entry for your blog (Doesn't count - not unique) So for the blog ecosystem there are 10 links on my main page of which 4 are unique (and therefore add to your blog ecosystem stats). Those 10 links also contribute to your top10 score (in the blog roundup).

Posted by: ozguru at December 30, 2003 06:12 AM

Thanks for the explanation. I've seen all the links reflecting what is from here on your blog, but other links to my blog that exist are not reflected at all, so the ecosystem count seems inaccurate. (I'm now a Slithering Reptile thanks to you!)

Posted by: Cindy at December 30, 2003 06:12 AM

For a link to count it has to be both unique and on a blog that is also in the ecosystem. Maybe some of those links are on blogs that are not part of the ecosystem (in which case you can register them by filling in a form). This whole process is making me think more about the ecosystem counters. Not that I would recommend it (* see below) but you could potential spoof the ecosystem on a blog like mine (where comments appear) by leaving article url's rather than your blog url in the comment (which would make a comment behave more like a trackback than a comment). If you leave ten comments all pointing to different articles that would be 10 valid links rather than the ten non-unique links to your blog. I guess RSS feeds (which I used to have on the main page) would also do the trick if set up correctly. They would effectively constitute a permanent updating set of unique links. Hmmmm. [* I would not recommend it for two reasons - firstly, NZ Bear is likely to find a way to prevent it happening if people start abusing the system and secondly, the links are transitory because they fall off the page sooner or later which would imply that you would have to work hard to keep the links active.]

Posted by: ozguru at December 30, 2003 06:12 AM