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December 30, 2003

I Forgot

I have no idea how I stumbled over Selective Amnesia. I must have forgotten. Anyway, there is a fantastic fish-hook* post:

Every man, every woman (to be PC) realises that they hold inside them a power, a power that they never realised they had till one fatefull day. The power to see things better, to get a clearer vision of things as they are. To look, feel and think better. Put things in the proper perspective.
A power that only comes once in a while.
I got that power.
I changed my glasses (spectacles) yesterday...

Check out some of the other posts like Real Pleasure, Mayfly Project and I Have Arrived.

[* Fish-hook - where you don't know you have been caught until too late.]

Posted by Ozguru at December 30, 2003 05:12 PM


There's more from where it came

Posted by: Ravages at December 30, 2003 05:12 PM