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December 29, 2003

Back to Work

Well Christmas is all over bar the shouting of siblings who have had enough of each other. Almost seems like an escape to go back to work :-) the bus is amazingly empty because most people are taking a few days leave to get a longer break. In some cases the leave was not voluntary. A number of organisations seem to have figured that there was no point in reopening for two or three days.

Fortunately I can get around that as a member of the operations section where a skeleton crew must be available at all times! (Mind you, I am a fairly solid looking skeleton.) The reason that it is fortunate is that I am trying to save up my leave for later in the year; firstly for WWDC (San Francisco in June/July) and secondly for my Mother-in-law's graduation (Hong Kong in August).

At least it will be a quiet day as I get back to trying to find the bottleneck in a multi-tier application (WebSphere, MQ Series, EGate, Oracle). I suspect that the problem is related to Java or the JVM on Solaris. Only four processes but six hundred threads...

Posted by Ozguru at December 29, 2003 10:12 AM


Project Management vs Software Engineers You may (or may not) recall that I have been working on a performance problem (see this post and this post for details). Yesterday I came across a reference (now unfortunately lost) to this article which is really relevant (as you will see in a minute)...

Posted by: GDay Mate at December 29, 2003 10:12 AM