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December 30, 2003

Mayfly Project

Just found this lovely MayFly thing (thanks to Melodrama and Selective Amnesia). Gist of the system is that you have to sum up the last year in no more than 20 words:

The best brief biography I've ever heard was for a mayfly:
"Born. Eat. Shag. Die."
There's nothing like summing up the last year of your life to make you re-examine your priorities, or refocus on what has affected you. Where would you begin?
When I got home, inspired by my evening and the biography of a mayfly, above, I asked readers to sum up the last year of their lives in twenty words or less. The Mayfly Project was born.

There are currently 776 entries, why don't you add yours....

This is my entry for 2003 (and a new years resolution - all rolled into one):

Tried: Blogging, gardening, parenting, working, eating, sleeping.
Failed: Gardening, parenting, working, sleeping.
Suceeded: Blogging, eating.
Now lose weight while blogging.

Posted by Ozguru at December 30, 2003 03:12 PM


Good one Guru. And exactly 20. Why didnt I think of the losing weight thing resolution?

Posted by: Ravages at December 30, 2003 03:12 PM

i'm trying to lose weight while blogging too but am failing terribly so may as well give up on that one already.

Posted by: zed at December 30, 2003 03:12 PM

Project: New Job | More Money | Marriage | Happy | Ever after. Pending: Ever After. COnclusion: Project 80% Successful.

Posted by: Peskie at December 30, 2003 03:12 PM