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December 31, 2003

Comment SPAM

Please could all the email harvesters come and talk to Alexi the comment spammer. He wanted to post a completely inappropriate comment about prescription drugs to this article. Of course I added him to the IP ban list but then figured, hey why not pass his email list around, maybe some Nigerian 401 spammer could help him spend some money....

I think he was trying to teach me Russian:

Priveyet (Hello)
Va skolka (How are you)?
Minyar eemya Alexi (My name is Alexi)
Spasebo Balshoi (Big thank you).
S'novom godom (With / Happy New year).
Paka (In a while / see you soon).

I hope you don't take this personally Alexi but I have no interest in meeting you or learning Russian. I do hope you enjoy the deluge of email spam that is coming your way....

That is the third spammer in 30 days from 217.26.24[0-4].* - one more and I might need to look up the address and do something about it.

Posted by Ozguru at December 31, 2003 08:12 AM


well again i am lacking in knowledge of this spam that you talk of so frequently.. maybe because i have my email trained to send it right to the trash with a spam guard.

Posted by: TL at December 31, 2003 08:12 AM

I don't have a SPAM email problem (any more) as the filters in MacOS X Mail work pretty well. I think I have spotted maybe one message in the last month that was not autotagged and deleted. What I should have explained better was that this SPAM was comment SPAM - i.e it appeared as a comment in an article on the TypePad blog with about 70 links (in the comment). I could disable HTML in the comments but a lot of users find it helpful to create valid links. In my case, every comment on the blog is sent to me as an email and then I see the dodgy stuff and then go forth and delete it. You may also not that older articles (pre June 2003) are not archived and uncommentable. My current thinking is to turn off comments on anything more than about 2 months old and archive anything more than about 3 months old. The archives are (of course) still available and searchable here. [I just used HTML so it would be a bit rough to turn it off :-(]

Posted by: ozguru at December 31, 2003 08:12 AM

Hmmmm, this bum visited me as well.

Posted by: Paul Jané at December 31, 2003 08:12 AM

Damn comment spammers and browser hi-jackers I've really yet to have too much trouble with comment spamming. I've had my dealings with them before, but my IP ban list keeps most of them at bay. However,...

Posted by: UtterlyBoring.com at December 31, 2003 08:12 AM