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January 09, 2004

What is Bill's problem?

There have been a number of media stories about Bill's announcement regarding hooking your WinTel box to a TV (e.g. This one from Cnet).

I don't know about you youngsters out there but I can remember when you had to connect your computer to your TV. The computer would have been called a Coco (Color Computer from Tandy) or Commodore or MicroBee or something and all the display went through the TV because there was bugger all available in the way of decent graphics. Now Bill wants to go back to the bad old days?

I can understand wanting to direct say video or movies to a TV screen but the rest of your computing needs to be on a good quality, high resolution computer screen. If anything, digital TV is more likely to attach to your mammoth computer display than have your computer plug into a relatively low resolution television.

As for the revamp of MSN, I still can't help sniggering about the support visit I did to MSN (Australia) about six years ago. As a UNIX performance guru, I had no idea why MSN would want to talk to me (or my boss) until we walking in and saw wall to wall Sun servers. Where's the NT boxes? Apparently they weren't capable (then) of doing the job - so much for (as Sun would put it) "eating your own dog-food".

Posted by Ozguru at January 9, 2004 01:01 AM


As a kid we had an Atari, and then I got a Commodore 64....

Posted by: Peskie at January 9, 2004 01:01 AM

I started with a Sinclair ZX-81, which connected to the TV and offered black & white text and graphics.

Posted by: Eric James Stone at January 9, 2004 01:01 AM