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January 04, 2004


Must be time for a bit of whinge. In this case it is about MacAddict. It is not about the subscription problem any more (in the bad old days, us aliens could give gift subscriptions but we couldn't subscribe or renew because the online forms required a US state) although I was slow renewing and missed the December issue... Instead it is about the bumper special extra collectors edition (Jan '04) which contains the history of the Mac - seeing as how the Mac turns 20 around Australia Day (*1). So what is the problem with all this Mac history? Well on page 27 the editors have the absolute unmitigated gall to diss (am I using this term correctly *2) the Newton. In fact they list it as a 'Stinker'. How could they?

The Newton is still alive and well. I have two operational Newts and two dissected corpses. One Newton travels with me to all my meetings and the other one is on the net for the idle curious to try (at least some of the time) - it seems to lose the network link under load and I need to arrange to put an old 10 Mb hub in between the Newt and the router (which is autosensing 10/100) so that the reconnect will work better. Alternately maybe I should hook it up wirelessly (like the main Newton)...

*1. For the curious: the Mac was released on 1984/01/24 and Australia (or more technically - New South Wales) was settled by the British on 1788/01/26. The real Australia day (when Australia became a nation) is actually 1901/01/01.

*2. I learned this phrase from one of the strangest sysadmins I have ever worked with. He was an ex-marine and from the US Virgin Islands. His favourite phrase to the NT weenies was "You diss my system and I'll cap ya ass". I have no idea what the later part of the phrase means but it sounded unpleasant.

Posted by Ozguru at January 4, 2004 10:01 PM


"Diss" ["Dis"] means to [show] disrespect. You did use the term correctly.

Posted by: MommaBear at January 4, 2004 10:01 PM

Wow. Thanks. I had no idea how to spell it nor where it came from.

Posted by: ozguru at January 4, 2004 10:01 PM