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December 05, 2003


Congratulations to Eddy award for NetNewsWire. For me, NNW is an essential part of my daily routine. All my favourite (blogroll) blogs are in there (assuming they have an RSS feed) and there are a bunch of potential blogroll candidates as well. This means I see the postings on these blogs without having to go and check the individual blogs. The downside is of course that I am reading your blog (or the extracts of it) without hitting the page counter. Hmmmmm. I wonder if I can put the page counter code into the rss feed...... Let me think about that a bit more.....
Anyway, not only are blogs in NNW but I now have my comments feeds as well which means I know when people (or spammers) post comments which helps me to respond faster.

Other Eddy awards went to OmniGraffle and Salling Clicker both of which I use.

Posted by Ozguru at December 5, 2003 09:12 AM
