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December 05, 2003

Friday Five (Fake)


Well apparently there will be no Friday5 this week. That means I can either just make up something or go to the trouble of finding an old Friday5 that looks interesting. I could go to some effort here but on the other hand, most of you readers aren't taking the effort to vote in the exciting poll about the blog logo so I can't be bothered either. Instead I am going to make up a Friday5 and run with it ...

Pick 5 blog entries you have read today and give a one line description.

1. Assuming that today is the last 24 hours then I want to start with the helpful hints of Cynical Cyn who advises that us guys should not buy things that plug-in for our better halves for Christmas (doesn't leave a lot of hope for the testosterone enhanced among us).

2. Someone else wonders why we (as in mankind humankind) don't have a moon base and notes that the world is fragile WITHOUT turning into a dope-smoking, tree-hugging, job-destroying greenie.

3. Some women wymyn (makes me think of wyvern and all Pratchett readers know that you can't clear your shoes afterwards) want to be one with the boys and some do not (this is the same server as Paul but the link came via Jay Solo).

4. Having kids may not be a good idea unless you can cope with havoc (link was via Steve but I have no idea why Dame Edna Everage appears in the right hand column of this blog).

5. Jivha claims to have resolved the WMD question by invoking Schrodinger's Cat (which overlooks the fact that Bushy went to Eye-rack, not to have dinner with the troops, but to take delivery of the WMDs).

Not a very impressive Friday5 but the best I could do at short notice. If you slackos would like to go and vote for the blog logo I might be able to come up with something later. Remember as I always say: Vote Early and Vote Often. Voting closes when the article drops of the main page (probably about Monday/Tuesday next week).

Posted by Ozguru at December 5, 2003 03:12 PM


Because Dame Edna is my muse, that's why!

Posted by: picklejuice at December 5, 2003 03:12 PM

Friday 5 I am catching up. Here is the most recent Friday 5 - and I am pleased that my fake Friday 5 was right on the money :-) 1. List your five favorite beverages. Am I allowed to shay whiskey, whishkey, wizzkey, wishme, whash-is-name? No? Ok. Whiskey, Coffe...

Posted by: GDay Mate at December 5, 2003 03:12 PM