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December 06, 2003

What Colour Am I?

you are darkslateblue

Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.

Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
the spacefem.com html color quiz

According to the stats:

Out of 30970 livejournallers who have taken the quiz, 868 (2.8%) were darkslateblue.

and there are 40 colours. Assuming an even distribution we would expect 775 people to be this colour so in fact it is more popular than average (which would have been 2.5%). Interesting to note if this means there are more depressed blue bloggers than average across the whole population ...

Posted by Ozguru at December 6, 2003 11:12 AM


Silver (0.89%)

Posted by: Peskie at December 6, 2003 11:12 AM