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June 10, 2004

Tired Blond Joke

A blonde female police officer pulls over a blonde gal for speeding. She walks up to the car and asks the blond for her driver's license. The blonde driver searches through her purse in vain. Finally she asks, "What does it look like?" The blonde police officer tells her, "It's that thing with your picture on it."

The blonde driver searches for a few more seconds, pulls out her compact, opens it and sure enough sees herself. She hands the compact to the blonde cop.

After a few seconds looking at the compact, the blonde cop rolls her eyes, hands the compact back to the blonde convertible driver and says, "If you would have told me you were a police officer when I first pulled you over, we could have avoided this whole thing."

Posted by Peskie at June 10, 2004 12:00 PM


not bad for a blonde joke. :P

Posted by: Cindy at August 23, 2004 06:08 AM