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December 02, 2003

New Blog: Tiger: Raggin' and Rantin'

This is not really a "new" blog but it is a new blog for me. I was following a trackback link (to the MT vulnerability story) and found Tiger: Raggin' and Rantin'. Given my limited knowledge of US geography, I am guessing that Tiger is in Texas (from the map). Lets check, yup he is part of the Texas Blog webring as well. There is an interesting variation on the "Night Before Christmas". Elsewhere Tiger wants to enter the blog awards for "Crappiest Blog" or "Ugly Guy Authored Blog". I reckon I could run second in the later one :-) It is interesting that I hear the word crap all the time but have not heard it used in some of the ways Tiger does: crapper, crappiest.

Now I was going to sign off at this point with the suggestion that you go read the blog yourself but then I found another post in the links section about Tig's rules on parentin' and after reading that I figure this guy needs to be on the blogroll. That was the clearest and neatest definition I have heard on how to raise kids. Way to go Tig.

I think I need to look into his USURP thing as well....

Posted by Ozguru at December 2, 2003 11:12 AM


The parenting advice also has a trackback to a blog containing this comment:
Parents need to be parents ....and corporal punishment is NOT abuse. Damn it, I've had enough with this "it's never okay to hit a child" routine. You've managed, through your pacifist ways, to raise an entire generation who do not respect authority figures, who are violent, who think that everybody owes them something. GET. THE. HELL. OVER. IT. Read this blog post. Be sure to read the comments. My suggestion is to rewrite that stupid slogan to what it should have been all along: It's never right to ABUSE a child.

Posted by: ozguru at December 2, 2003 11:12 AM