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December 02, 2003

Longhorn vs Panther

You have to to follow the circuit here - I noticed a new comment in NetNewsWire (because the comment feeds on all my blogs are available over RSS) from Jake at Utterly Boring (he was commenting on the Digital IQ post). His post read:

I scored a 196. What'd you score? Link from the man down under (who scored higher than me). I'm sure Ken will score higher because he's got a whole bunch of stupid toys.

Now who the heck is Ken? How can he score more than I did? (Quite easily really but that would spoil the drama here). It turns out that Ken has a site called Breaking Windows: a Mac user in a Windows world and that is where I found a beautiful comment on Longhorn:

My favorite quote is 'I sure hope it's superior' since Longhorn is 3 yrs. off, and we are using Panther today.

BTW, I can't find the trackbacks for Ken's site so I am afraid there will be no ping to let him know I've posted this.... too bad.

Posted by Ozguru at December 2, 2003 01:12 PM


Yeah, I've had trouble with Ken's trackback, too. I'll have to let him know about it. But Ken is who I like to call a spoiled little b**ch (he even owns the domain spoiledlittleb**ch.com after I gave him so muchcrap for all the toys he has -- and insists on bragging about them to me ;)

Posted by: Jake Ortman at December 2, 2003 01:12 PM

Ha ha. Thanks. Jake let me know. I will look into Trackback And I will let you know about my Digital IQ as well :P

Posted by: Ken Edwards at December 2, 2003 01:12 PM

I scored a 208. And I already know I’m a nerd, as the results page points out people mIght call me. But then I prefer geek. Jake was right, I beat his score, HA HA

Posted by: Ken Edwards at December 2, 2003 01:12 PM