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December 02, 2003

Politics Down Under II

Well the party have spoken. Even the SMH understood the impact of this decision:

Federal Labor MPs today threw caution to the wind and narrowly chose a "generational change", voting for 42-year-old Mark Latham to lead the party over the experienced former leader Kim Beazley by 47 votes to 45.
In announcing the news, Labor's returning officer Bob Sercombe said "the caucus has spoken and we have moved onto a new generation".
"I think the spirit is now to unite and defeat the Howard government"

I am not sure which paper or news service Bob reads in the morning but obviously it wasn't this one. Basically the poll supports my contention - putting Kim in would make it feasible to expect a Labour victory (or at least a good showing at the polls), putting Latham in would mean entertaining politics but another dose of the Liberals.
A quick poll of "me mates" could find only one Latham supporter and even he was wavering. Mind you he didn't like my TV advert - thought too many people might agree with the sentiments even if they would be mature enough to not mention them in polite company. That sort of summarises the problem - Latham does not behave in a mature fashion - and as an immature loudmouth he would not make a suitable Prime Minister.

Posted by Ozguru at December 2, 2003 05:12 PM


Even the BBC calls him "outspoken" (which is polite british-speak for "motor-mouth". Remember this is the bloke that insulted the American ambassador which resulted in an apology from Crean. Who is going to apologise next time?

Posted by: ozguru at December 2, 2003 05:12 PM