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December 03, 2003

Odds and Sods ....

No you are not dreamin, this is an interim post to the weekly blog.... There were just a bunch of blog things I wanted to post about that are not related and too small to make into a whole post on the main blog. Think of it is a collection of mini bits.....

First up there is the sad news about blogshares. Then there was the even sadder news about BattleStar Galactica (2003) which according to Practical Penumbra is going to have a female playing the role of Starbuck. That just won't work. How are Starbuck and his boss going to drink themselves silly while talking about women? Actually Starbuck was my favourite character - I think I'll have to settle for the original series which is now on DVD at Amazon (link found via Battlestar Galactica which was found via Richard Hatch who played Captain Apollo).

Speaking of fighting wrongs everywhere, here is another crusader who has tried to do "the right thing" (tm). As some of you would be aware there has been an uproar over at the Blog Ecosystem about the way a certain blogger had set up counters and voting. Without going into the politics of the matter, I think Kynn has done the right thing.

On a completely unrelated note, Jivha pointed to a most amusing Google search. I have no idea how that got there....

Finally, non blog-related there was the new Labour (that would be liberal in the US? because Labour are left of centre while Liberal here is right of centre) leaders joke: Why is Howard like Bonsai? Because he is a little Bush.

Posted by Ozguru at December 3, 2003 05:12 PM


Thanks, ozg. --Kynn

Posted by: Kynn Bartlett at December 3, 2003 05:12 PM

I too was worried by the Starbuck development but am prepared to be pleasantly surprised. I am a whole lot more worried the "walking toaster" Cylons have been replaced by Replicant-type cyborgs or something to that effect. No toasters, no love!

Posted by: Ghost of a flea at December 3, 2003 05:12 PM

Just found some more Battlestar Galactica stuff over at Technically Speaking. Check it out.

Posted by: ozguru at December 3, 2003 05:12 PM

I watched the original series and this is an improvement. I think the scripts are better in this one and I think the acting is better.

Posted by: David at December 3, 2003 05:12 PM


Posted by: Hero at December 3, 2003 05:12 PM