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December 03, 2003


Last night (and early this morning) has been spend investigating opml/blog roll options. I am trying to organise "recently updated" sorting on the blogroll. This is a feature (not yet implemented) in TypePad but there doesn't appear to be a direct equivalent in MT. Well I think I have a solution sussed out and if it works I'll tell youse (Australian equivalent to the American "yall" and pronounced "ewes", plural of you) about it.

In the process I stumbled over a blog about Australian blogs (at least I think that's what it is) but more significantly, I found that blogshares is gone. That is a real disappointment - I fooled around with it in the early days and Aussie Courier was into it in a big way. The guy behind it is still around at MonkeyX but apparently the last database failure was the final straw. All the best Seyed and thanks for the fun.

Posted by Ozguru at December 3, 2003 09:12 AM
