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December 07, 2003

Blog Awards

I am not doing too well in the blog awards. Despite multiple nominations, the only votable entry is in the Flappy Birds category where I have a whole 2 votes. Wow.

You can of course vote for lots of the blogroll in other categories though. I voted for:
- USS Clueless (Best Blog)
- Allah is in the House (Best New Blog)
- Jivha (Best Foreign Blog)
- Little Tiny Lies (Best Humour Blog)
- On The Third Hand (Best Conservative Blog)
- Truth Laid Bear (Best Higher Being Blog)
- Practical Penumbra, Jay Solo, Tiger, Happy Furry Puppy, Reflections in d minor and Alphecca (Best Large Mammal Blog)
- Interested Participant (Best Marauding Marsupial Blog)

Naturally, you don't need to vote the same way but you should at least vote.....

If I missed you (and you are on the blog roll) let me know and I'll add you to the list ....

BTW, The Gray Monk and Aussie Courier didn't make the cut - I am not sure why.

Posted by Ozguru at December 7, 2003 11:12 PM


I voted for ya.

Posted by: Tiger at December 7, 2003 11:12 PM

How did I manage to miss your blog? I was skipping that category because I didn't see any I recognized. Now that I know you are there, you just got another vote.

Posted by: Kathy K at December 7, 2003 11:12 PM

Thanks Tiger & Kathy. It was cool that in most of the categories, there was only one blog that I knew well and that made the voting easier. In the Large Mammals, I have to wait twelve hours (or switch computers) to vote....

Posted by: ozguru at December 7, 2003 11:12 PM

If this blog award project does nothing else, it provides exposure to the fact that there are a helluva lot of really good blogs on the web. In fact, I found it extremely difficult to choose the best in several categories. I could have easily picked a half dozen or more. The blogs are that good.

Posted by: Interested-Participant at December 7, 2003 11:12 PM

Blog Award Polling With one exception, I don't know who has voted for me so I'll send a generic cyber Thank You to whoever did so. Ozguru mentioned his vote for me on his site, GDay Mate. Thanks Ozg. Interestingly, I voted GDay Mate as Best Ecosystem Flappy Bird.

Posted by: Interested-Participant at December 7, 2003 11:12 PM