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December 12, 2003

Call Centers

When you write a blog, there is at the back of your mind, the thought that your words need to be selected with some care. I often try to consider what someone else would think when they read it - not that I always get it right of course. In particular I try to notice phrases where the way we say something in Australia may be misunderstood by Americans. Remember that comment about Aussie English - we know how to say things correctly, we just frequently don't bother.

That said, some topics are more controversial than others and I am particularly aware that I have a number of Indian readers (not all of them in India either) and so I tried really hard to be careful when I was telling my story about the ISP from hell and their abysmal call centre. Today I am really glad to discover that even Indians have trouble with Indian call centres. Really the problem is not BECAUSE the call centre is Indian, the problem is because the call centres do not communicate clearly with the customers - this could be due to language difficulties, cultural differences, or just sheer bl**dy mindedness. This could (and does occur) with customer call centres in Australia, America and maybe even Canada. It can be the end result of a lack of respect for the customer.

Having worked in a retail outlet (Tandy) while studying, I am fully aware that the customer, despite the old adage, is rarely ever right. In fact the customer is often a complete blithering idiot BUT they were customers and effectively they paid my wages. That meant that I was prepared to try and give at least a little respect. I certainly did not insult their intelligence, call them names or completely ignore them (all of which seem to be common tactics today). Sometime even this did not work but it was a lot better than the situation where the call centre has absolutely no regard or respect for the client. Instead of being the person who pays your wages, the client is seen as a nuisance to be got rid of as quickly as possible. This is reflected in the call metrics and the turnover of client problems as rapidly as possible.

I reckon I could make a killing in retail just be teaching my staff to respect the customers..... even if they are on the other end of a phone call..... or even victims of a bait and switch!

Posted by Ozguru at December 12, 2003 07:12 AM


Jake (at Utterly Boring) notes that Dell is giving up on the foreign call centre. As noted above, this won't necessarily fix their problems..... He also has a few call centre stories as well - check it out.

Posted by: ozguru at December 12, 2003 07:12 AM

Call Centres are currently the "in thing" to blog about. Check out PD.

Posted by: ozguru at December 12, 2003 07:12 AM

Funny the misunderstandings two 'English speakers' can get up to. I've long since learned not to say 'rooting for the team' when talking to Aussies. I've got a whole list of things like that...

Posted by: Kathy K at December 12, 2003 07:12 AM