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December 15, 2003

Link Love

Apparently this is the season to review links, everybody is getting into it an cleaning up their blogrolls. Well I figured that was as good a time as any to introduce some Christmas cheer into the whole thing. So here are the G'Day Mate Guidelines (for the blog roll):

1. I link to relatives - that's family business. If you are in the (extended) family, and I don't already link to you, let me know..... If you are not in the family but you are single and female, I still have one unattached brother..... If you are into family history I have stuff on various surnames (mainly Australian).

2. If I read your blog and like it, I may link to it anyway. The link may vanish at any time unless rule 3 applies.

3. If you link to me, I will link back until one day when I happen to notice that you no longer link to at least one of the blogs ("G'Day Mate", "G'Day Mate - Reviews" or "G'Day Mate - Archive").

If you feel that I have overlooked you (or forgotten to link), email me and let me know. If you hunt round you can find my email address but to save you the trouble you could try GdayMate AT internode (that's my ISP) DOT on DOT net. Or if you don't want to type a lot, just comment on a post - I'll see it and I usually respond within 4 to 5 days (depending on workload).

What about the Blog Roundup? Well, especially for new blogs, the blog roundup helps to get a few links which pushes you up the ecosystem which means you get more readers which means .... The Blog Roundup posts hang around for a while (because they are weekly instead of daily) which makes them more useful than a casual reference in a regular post. How do you get involved? Try leaving a comment. Or a trackback. I use an automated process to randomly select a pre-determined number of links (normally 5 or 10) from all of the links on the three index pages. Given the public visibility of comments and trackbacks, that is a good way to start. Equally referrers can get a hit (on the archive blog) and of course entries in the blog roll.

What about content? Well I guess if I am not interested in reading your material then there isn't a lot of point linking to each other because the feeling will probably be mutual. I don't understand American politics all that well (although Kynn Bartlett has been educating me) so a pure politics blog isn't that thrilling - a mix of politics and other stuff is fine. I do like "personal glimpses" more than just link-blogs. I am not into "porn" or material that I would be embarrassed to share with my wife. I guess if you take a quick trip through some of my material, you can get a fairly good idea of what fits.

Any questions, please ask (and be patient, I get close to 100 emails a day from non-blogging activities).

Posted by Ozguru at December 15, 2003 03:12 PM
