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December 17, 2003

Odds and Sods ....

Some days there is a real shortage of material that inspires a blogging effort (usually when you are bored and feel like having a good rant about something). Other days (like today) there is a wealth of material out there but no time to do anything about it. What tends to happen is that my browser tab-line becomes over-saturated with "things I want to blog about". Well it has happened and I don't have time for a long post so here are a bunch of short items all rolled up together....

First there was the great fantastic news in the SCO trial. Basically the judge has order SCO to identify the code they claim has been copied which is what the Open Source Community has been asking for all along.

Next up there is an excellent suggestion for modifying copyright and making it work.

Then we have a fantastic list for those interested in SciFi (checkout the comments for additional suggestions including mine).

There is an explanation of political name calling over at Jivha's blog that is worth checking out.

Finally we have another flying story to follow up this recent entry.

Normally each of these topics would qualify for a full post but I don't have enough time and they are all worthy of a mention. Just imagine that I did a full entry on them ....

Posted by Ozguru at December 17, 2003 06:12 PM
