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December 18, 2003

More on Iraq

While we are still talking about Iraq, what about this post by Steve H. One minute everyone (read the mainstream media) is saying that the US should pull out of Iraq because the locals are perfectly competent to run their own country and the next minute they are saying that the locals would not be able to hold a trial of an ex-dictator. I don't know about you but I think that holding a "fair" trial is somewhat easier than running an entire country and ultimately the Iraqi people need to accept and deal with Saddam themselves. Someone else taking over (like the US) or dictating terms (like the UN) is just interference and I think Bush is right to let the Iraqi's deal with it themselves (unless they make the mistake of re-electing Saddam to power).

As for the bleeding hearts who are arguing against a death penalty - what is the alternative? As long as Saddam is alive, he will be a threat to the stability of the region and besides it is not your choice (or my choice), it should be the choice of the people that he ruthlessly controlled for so long. Ultimately he needs to responsibly face the consequences of his past. Seriously, this is one case where (1) you do not want a repeat offender and (2) there is not going to be any serious doubt as to guilt or innocence.

Posted by Ozguru at December 18, 2003 09:12 AM
