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December 09, 2003

Voting and Awards

Wow. I have 18 votes in the flappy bird category. That is more than I expected, thanks a lot. Jay Solo has some interesting comments on the process. He notes that the extra exposure from the contest may move him up the ecosystem ladder which is a better reflection of the additional readers than the votes in the blog awards.

In an effort to boost Jay's rating, I read through all the current articles to find ones that might appeal to all the readers out there. How about the definition of a terrorstinian, a strange cat picture (link goes here) and a story about ketchup (link goes here). The story is interesting and mentions the Chinese fish sauce that started the whole thing going but it fails to mention that Ketchup is transliteration of the Cantonese for Tomato Sauce (Jup is a sauce, Ker is tomato).

On a more serious note, Jay asks about the use of the reset button.....

Posted by Ozguru at December 9, 2003 02:12 PM
