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December 09, 2003

Visitor 3K

The 3Kth visitor (since the new counter was set up) was looking for a Slim Dusty song. At least that is an improvement on the last one who was looking for "Men's Underpants".

Surprisingly, this was matched a few hours later by the Newton page counter:

Not bad for the little green machine. It appears to have a problem at the moment with parallel requests (i.e. two page requests at the same time) where one of the requests is delivered but the port is not released (the machine becomes unreachable even though the machine thinks everything is OK). The normal solution to this is to use the automatic restart module BUT this seems to have problems with the ethernet card in that the restart fires up HTTP but without an active network connection (no lights on the router). Oh well, maybe the next release will fix it - I should check to make sure that there hasn't already been a patch released for it :-) Unlike the Mac, there is no automatic Software Update process!

Posted by Ozguru at December 9, 2003 10:12 PM


that is a really nice counter the one i have doesn't tell me how long someone stays, where did you get your counter or did you create it with you infinite knowledge of text? hehe

Posted by: TL at December 9, 2003 10:12 PM