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December 10, 2003

Last Weekend

Just for PixelDiva, I decided that I would post this article. I drafted it but was in two minds about posting it. Really it was in reserve just in case someone asked why there was no review posted on the weekend, but nobody asked - presumably nobody noticed either :-) PixelDiva was pointing out that the best thing about blogs is not just the news and the cross-referencing but the little personal glimpses:

Maybe it's because I'm nosy, but I really enjoy reading about people's lives. I love that little glimpse inside someone's head - not dissimilar to a peek inside someone's not-quite-closed curtains as you're travelling home on the bus. In a sense it broadens my horizons - shows me things that are outside my normal daily routine.

I think she is right about that, one of the things that I really like is reading about someone else's life and discussing things with people I would never normally meet (e.g. via the comments)....

What follows was the original draft article....

G'day Readers,
There was no Blog Roundup this weekend because I was too busy. I know you are the most important people in the world (after my family) but in this case my family took precedence. It's a bit of a long story but it started about 2000 years ago ... I guess you know that part already ... well to cut the story short, we had our family Christmas parties on the weekend. Saturday involved my Mum and all four of my brothers and their wives and kids. It was a pretty casual affair - cold meat (ham, turkey), salads, chicken wings, little frankfurts, cheese platter - regular laid back Aussie Christmas meal. Lots of punch (non-alcoholic and manufactured on the premises) and some beer (not many takers for the beer this year). Sunday was a similar deal with some cousins and some of my wife's family. There was a Christmas tree, presents, photos, bad jokes - all the usual sort of family stuff. It was really great that Aussie Courier got back from his honeymoon in time to attend and the brother-in-law in England got on the blower (translation - telephone) to participate. Only people missing were my sister and a great-great aunt who both had prior appointments.
One of the punny highlights was somebody (might have been D) spotting that all the women who had found Mr Right were in the one place at the one time and so of course that had to be a photo opportunity. [Ed: That joke is funnier if you know what my real name.] The kids had great fun with young cousins available both days to play with and run around. Despite the stress and hard work all the kids were really well behaved except for the youngest who kept crying every time I looked at her. Must be the beard I think cause nobody else had the same problems :-)
On the Friday my wife had made a wobble cake (if you want the recipe, just ask - it involves jelly, cream and pineapple juice) which is always a big hit. What we didn't allow for was that it was an even bigger hot than expected and it got polished off on the Saturday. So Saturday night I was running round like a blue-*rsed fly trying to get more ingredients to make another batch for the Sunday - which was even more popular but there were less people to eat it.
All in all it was a great weekend and I hope next year we will be able to arrange it a bit earlier (this year was mucked up with the car being wrecked) and get everyone on the same day. It is nice to take it easy and catch up a bit. We all make great plans for the year about seeing each other and doing things together (and we really will in 2004) but it is hard as you get older and move apart. It seems that Christmas is the one time when we usually make the extra effort and I think it is worth it.

P.S. We will try and catch up with the Great-Great-Aunt next weekend (or the one after) and I have asked my sister to have lunch with me in the city - just to complete the picture.

Posted by Ozguru at December 10, 2003 01:12 PM


I get the joke (since I know your name) -- that's really quite funny. The party sounded terrific and I'd love that recipe for wobble cake. I've never heard of it before but it sounds yummy!

Posted by: Cindy at December 10, 2003 01:12 PM