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December 11, 2003

Kind Deed

Hey it is really late (or rather early) here - I have been sitting up doing Christmas cards. On the one hand it is good that the list is getting shorter but on the other hand that means there are more people I have lost contact with.... Anyway, just before I knock off for the night, I checked the new feeds in NetNewsWire and found an entry over at Utterly Boring which points to this blog. The deal is that Jack (at Jack Bog's Blog) is going to hand over $1 ($US I think) to charity for every hit he receives yesterday (well actually today if you are somewhere west of here). Check him out - each legitimate click is $1 for a charity. You get a good read and the feeling that you have done something for mankind and it won't cost you a cent (other than your internet access fees....). As best as I can tell it is 5 AM yesterday there when it is midnight here so there is a good 20 hours of click time still going and so far there have only been 68 hits....

[Update: Jack made his target. Thanks for the readers who joined in. There is a list of other bloggers who linked in as well and I am going to check them out tonight - don't be surprised if I come back with a bunch of new links :-)]

Posted by Ozguru at December 11, 2003 12:12 AM


He's in the Pacific time zone of Oregon, in the US, just an FYI :-) He's also a law professor, if I remember correctly, so he's got a few more bucks than some of us. But he's still a totally cool guy, and I wish him luck.

Posted by: Jake Ortman at December 11, 2003 12:12 AM

Thanks, ozguru and Jake!

Posted by: Jack Bog at December 11, 2003 12:12 AM

At the risk of sounding like Jerry Lewis I'm grateful to all those bloggers and others who are sending readers my way on Buck-a-Hit Day. These include: Alas, a Blog Cicero's Ghost Ensight Fables of the Reconstruction GDay Mate I Am a Fish JD2B Just Playing Neva, Miss...

Posted by: Jack Bog's Blog at December 11, 2003 12:12 AM