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December 21, 2003

Rugby World Cup Again (Sorry)

I just couldn't resist this post over at All AgitProp:

Royal Mail Sticks It to Australia Rugby Fans

Britain's Royal Mail Friday issued a set of commemorative 68 pence stamps that feature scenes of England's nail-biting 20-17 victory over their historic rivals in Sydney on November 22.
"In case you hadn't realized, the 68p stamps are just the right value to send to any friend you might have in Australia," Royal Mail said in a statement, stoking the friendly rivalry between the sides.

That is funny on so many levels... *Snort*

Paul seems to find all the best posts :-)

I am starting to think I will need a separate category for World Cup posts - there have been so many of them!

Posted by Ozguru at December 21, 2003 11:12 AM


Thanks for the link, Ozg. :-)

Posted by: Paul Jané at December 21, 2003 11:12 AM