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December 21, 2003

Blog Roundup

Gday, this is a short roundup because I have been flat out preparing for the Christmas Eve Marathon. Speaking of which, I am about 6 jokes short so if you have any Christmas jokes, send them over....

Speaking of jokes, newcomer The Cheese Stands Alone (must have been a referral) has a fantastic story on how to wash your cat in eight easy steps. Biggest surprise was that the first comment on this article was from me mate in Montreal. Actually the cat instructions almost tempt me into getting a cat so as to keep the toilet bowl clean :-) There is also a lovely link to this story which is a conversion of the old light-bulb story converted into a blog story. Apparently the cheese is also friends with Da Goddess (who got an airing last week from memory and who also has an Australian connection).

Enough circular references, I want to move on to When I Paint My Masterpiece where the author is reassuring her readers that they "do not really matter in my scheme of things". That is a "low blow" to the esteem of her readers but the context is interesting. Basically, her family are concerned about the family image portrayed in the blog. This is an interesting debate because I refrain from revealing too much about my family for exactly the same reasons. On the other side we have this post over at VRWC where the author is pushing the opposite view. I think there is a middle ground that you need to reach, creating a completely false identity is hard and maintaining it is even harder. Maybe there is a middle ground where the blog does not reveal as much as the communications with the readers do. There are several bloggers whose real identity appears in personal correspondence but never on the blog. Melodrama also reminds us that Australia is now on the slippery downward slope (we lost the Rugby and the Cricket....)

Now I am still undecided about the 'second bite of the cherry rule' (disallowing double performances) but in the meantime we seem to need to trip over to Tiger: Raggin; & Rantin'. This last week, Tiger left some advice over on this post and he mentioned "sending a bill". Noting that his url contains the word 'law', I joked via email that he must be a lawyer. Well he is. Opps. Guess that makes two intelligent lawyers I know (Steve is the other one). I might have to stop with the lawyer jokes (but I do have a good lawyer story to share at some point in time). Apparently Tiger has been to see LOTR3 (which leaves me as the only blogger I know who hasn't) and he tells a fine story about how to fill in the time before the film :-) To top it off the previous post discusses the hangover effects of drinking rum and blames the impurities rather than the alcohol. That sounds like a uncle, many many years ago, who had bad arthritis and used to swear by rum as the best medicine. "After just one bottle of rum", he would slur, "you get two days of relief". The first day you were too drunk to notice it and the second day your head hurt more than the arthritis.... Anyway, reading further down, you can discover that the reason for drinking the rum was missing LOTR the first time - another circular problem. Finally we get on to the important topic of what to buy the man in your life, let's hope my wife sees this one.... Actually come to think of that, I could use that as one of my missing jokes (with attribution of course).

Next cab off the rank is PD: You ... relax who has some travel tips for those travelling to Singapore from Australia. Given that he also has photos of Singapore, we can safely assume that he went for a visit which implies that the travel tips should be top notch. Actually one of my non-blogging mates is in (or just back from) Singapore so I'd better check and say g'day to him this week sometime (if you are reading this Milos, give us a call when you get back). He also has a sensible suggestion for coping with the Sydney heat. I reckon we could start a Sydney bloggers meeting ....

The big news over at Utterly Boring would have to be the saga of Jake's back. Due to all sorts of complications, Jake has had to have an operation on his back and he is struggling with all the medical bills - here in Australia, there is a Health Insurance net (Medicare) which although fairly useless, it does cater for those who otherwise couldn't afford to have surgery. In this case, Jake's doctor came to the party (pro bono I think) but there are still lots of other bills and charges (like the anaesthetist and the MRI). I would encourage anyone who can spare a few bucks to pop over and click his donate button. The good news is that the operation appears to have worked and things are improving (except for the financial side). Jake has always been a source of amazing amounts of trivia and also really practical advice - like how to automate posting with MT.

Out of interest, if you are looking for more Australian stories you could check out this legend from DaGoddess (or you could email me and ask for more stories).

Site Checklist
G'Day Mate - Archive
G'Day Mate
G'Day Mate - Reviews
Note: There are 694 links to consider.

TOP 10 Sites
Jivha - the Tongue (34)
Interested Participant (27)
Kingsley (27)
All AgitProp (27)
Technically Speaking (23)
Dusting My Brain (18)
The Gray Monk (17)
When I Paint My Masterpiece (16)
Jaboobie (15)
Utterly Boring (15)

Random 5 Sites
When I Paint My Masterpiece (16)
The Cheese Stands Alone (1)
Utterly Boring (15)
Tiger: Raggin; & Rantin' (14)
PD: You ... relax (8)

Posted by Ozguru at December 21, 2003 10:12 PM


I have a million Dreamtime legends to post!

Posted by: Da Goddess at December 21, 2003 10:12 PM