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June 03, 2005

FAQ #2

I have had three people ask the same question, so I guess that counts as an FAQ...

Q: How do you get those Chinese characters to appear in MT2?

A: The answer is actually in the extension to this post but it is reproduced here...

In the original article, the "Why?" was actually written in Chinese (dian1 jie6) but for some reason or other, MT refuses to allow the characters and replaces them with more question-marks. To get around this, I had to look the character up in the character palette and get a unicode number. This then has to be converted into a decimal number before MT will have anything to do with it.

So, open the character palette and select 'Traditional Chinese). Use Apple-Space to switch keyboards (to Pinyin). Type (dian1) in the search box and press enter. Hover over the highlighted character with the mouse and copy the unicode character code onto a bit of paper (9EDE). Switch back to the Aussie keyboard and open the calculator. Switch to programmer mode, select hex, type in 9EDE and then select decimal. The result should be 40670. Put this in your document with 點 ...

In case you were wondering, "點解?" (dian1 jie6) is a Cantonese verbal exclamation which means "Why?".

Posted by Ozguru at June 3, 2005 06:00 AM


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