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January 05, 2004

New Year Update

While I have been bludging (apart from a Blog Roundup) lots of things have been happening in the blogosphere. In chronological order I wanted to note that Dusting My Brain has a picture of sunrise in New York with a toast to yours truly. I would like to leave a comment but the comments are closed - that picture has an entirely different connotation for me. I took one look and thought "bushfire". That sort of red glow in the trees brings back all sorts of bad memories and even knowing that the picture is a sunrise doesn't help. Anyway thanks for the thought squip.

The other event worth noting is that something strange is going on with Jay Solo and the Accidental Jedi. All I can say is - congratulations. The big question is whether the blogs now merge or continue in parallel :-) I was going to make a joke about Hans vs Jay (Solo) but I think someone has already done that.....

For the rest of the readers, I am still catching up on mail and comments etc. Thanks for keeping in touch and for all the goodwill and best wishes....

By the way, Aussie Courier is up and running again ....

Posted by Ozguru at January 5, 2004 01:01 PM


Oh no - Oz - geez. I'm sorry that photo evoked bad memories for you. the toast remains.

Posted by: Cindy at January 5, 2004 01:01 PM