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January 08, 2004

Visitor 1K

You thought I had missed it but I didn't. Visitor 1K (since 2004 started) came through here the other night (my time) around the same time that the internal TypePad counter flipped over 13000 visitors. As always, if this is you (check the IP address in the search and leave a comment - it should have the same address) then claim your prize: guest post or questions.

This visitor was looking for the Solaris bug that stops cron working on a disabled (i.e. locked) account. Hope they can solve their issues (just give the account a password and everything will work). By the way, I am currently the #1 google hit for 'expired password cron solaris' - the mind boggles.

Posted by Ozguru at January 8, 2004 12:01 PM


Wonder if that site is the same CBeyond that makes the software we use. Sort of funny that my colleagues get support from them while they get support from me.

Posted by: ozguru at January 8, 2004 12:01 PM

Nope. Sorry - missing irony. This software we use is from SeeBeyond - sounds the same but isn't really.

Posted by: ozguru at January 8, 2004 12:01 PM