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January 09, 2004


Just spotted this post about Wind River joining up with the Linux effort. Brings back memories of being a sysadmin in a development shop using Verdix Ada cross-compiled from SunOS/Solaris onto Wind River for embedded systems.

So what? These guys (Wind River) are serious players in the embedded systems market - especially military hardware. This is a market that cannot tolerate blue-screens, failed memory or non-real-time performance. For them to be looking at linux technology says something about how robust linux is becoming.

Of course, being robust does not translate to sales. That requires being idiot-proof and user-seductive* as well.....

* User-seductive is the natural extension of user-friendly. User-friendly means you want to kick the computer but you figure that it might not talk to you ever again. User-seductive means that you fall in love with the way the iPod computer looks and you just can't resist the temptation to own it and use it and ....

Posted by Ozguru at January 9, 2004 05:01 PM
