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January 12, 2004

Theatre Critic

Mr Six has just provided a critical oral review of The Three Little Pigs which does not include a mention of his role in the proceedings. Apparently, while I was at work, he has been doing his research. The reference in this case is "My Treasury of Fairy Tales" (Edited by Helen Burnford / Kay Barnham, published by ZigZag Publishing). According to the critic, the play departed from the "real" story in a number of important ways. Firstly the pigs were supposed to get eaten (well the first two at least). Secondly, there was no graffiti on the third pigs house in the story (see picture on page 58). Thirdly the third pig was supposed to hide "in" the barrel and roll it to the house not "behind" the barrel (with her brothers) and attempting to run over the wolf. Finally the wolf was supposed to be boiled in the pot, not locked in jail. Apart from these major departures from the story, the play was funny but there really should have been a hill (for the barrel to roll down).

[Ed: I have somewhat improved the exact wording but tried to leave the story intact.]

Posted by Ozguru at January 12, 2004 06:01 PM
