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January 14, 2004


Ignoring for a moment the question of whether you can actually have an NT BOFH, Jake has a pointer to this article about what to do when your NT BOFH is gone.

Quick summary: NT BOFH is out of the joint (due to a DCM or similar). NT BOFH is holding company to ransom for the password. Use Linux (actually Knoppix) to break into Windows and solve the problem.

The article also provides some tips for the white-hats trying to prevent script kiddies doing it (not possible without hardware access anyhow). Enjoy a problem solving treat.

Posted by Ozguru at January 14, 2004 05:01 PM


Sorry - too many acronyms. NT = New Technology (OS from Microslosh), Windows XP was based on New NT Technology (ha ha ha) BOFH = B*st*rd Operator from Hell (formerly VMS, later Unix) - he has his own website and regular postings at "The Register". DCM = Don't Come Monday (i.e. fired) unless you drink cherry coke in which case it means "I've got a long weekend dude" (sort of like 'your getting a dell dude'?).

Posted by: ozguru at January 14, 2004 05:01 PM

"Ignoring for a moment the question of whether you can actually have an NT BOFH..." Classy :D

Posted by: Raena at January 14, 2004 05:01 PM