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January 16, 2004

Sign of the Times

A business analyst saying that Apple is doing the right thing is definitely a sign of the end-times. Comments like this:

"Apple will gain powerful distribution through HP's extensive retail network, a development that likely will fuel a new wave of iPod purchases and a steady stream of people buying music through iTunes Music Store," said Salkever.
But more, he suggests, it's a slap across the face to Microsoft, which is pushing its Windows Media Audio (WMA) standard as an alternative to AAC and FairPlay...
"At the moment, Apple has over 70% of the market for the digital-music downloads, so the only real competition is between Jobs and Bill Gates. And Jobs is winning: The HP deal underscores that he's the go-to guy for the music industry," said Salkever.
Will Microsoft overtake Apple the same way it has done in the personal computer industry, by licensing its software to any comers?

are just asking for a visit from the Redmond Heavies with a clue stick.

On a more sober note, a kind reader pointed out this link from a pro-WMA user who thinks Microslosh is attacking this whole business back-to-front. He (or she) makes a good case for an alternate strategy but it could be tongue in cheek given that it is unlikely in a head-to-head that WMA will come out better than AAC. Personally I can't pick the difference - but maybe that is because of my choice in music :-)

Posted by Ozguru at January 16, 2004 08:01 AM


I've switched all my MP3s over to AAC, and I'm very impressed with the results.

Posted by: Paul Jané at January 16, 2004 08:01 AM

Just FYI - I don't know if you read further into the blog I pointed you to but the guy works for MS.

Posted by: Cindy at January 16, 2004 08:01 AM

I did read more and it was interesting. Despite any obvious bias on my part, I am happy to acknowledge that Windblows users can still be creative - it is just harder for them :-) Don't forget that two of my family bloggers are WingNuts.

Posted by: ozguru at January 16, 2004 08:01 AM